Reclaimed water pipeline between TO 33 and TO 24


Contract name: C4 : Reclaimed water pipeline between TO 33 and TO 24 (SF/3/2017)
Commencement Date :23/10/2017
Completion Date: 27/07/2020
Description: Construction of about 9.0 km Pressurized transmission main line DN 700 between (Pump Station TO 33) and (Pump Station TO 24) and an approx. 15.0 Km as an additional pipelines in different areas (DN 250 to DN 600) with the necessary appurtenances and structures, rehabilitation works at Pump station TO 28 and implementation works for a new pump station at TO 18.
Amount of contract: 6,000,404.23 USD
Name of Employer: Jordan Valley Authority (JVA)
