f Implementation of Misc. Sewage Networks Project in Al-Balqa’a Governorate – ABC

Implementation of Misc. Sewage Networks Project in Al-Balqa’a Governorate


Contract name: Implementation of Misc. Sewage Networks Project in Al-Balqa’a Governorate (141/2009)
Commencement Date :01/02/2010
Completion Date: 14/06/2012
Description: The project includes the following works:
– Execution of wastewater networks with total length 54,000 m and of diameters range from 150 mm. to 300 mm. as follows:
– 48,500 m. of diameter 150 mm.
– 32,650 m. of diameter 200 mm.
– 13,950 m. of diameter 300 mm.
Amount of contract: 4,061,070.42 USD
Name of Employer: Jordan Valley Authority (JVA)
